Fan Zhou
Ting Zhong
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Research Assistant
Fang Liu
Fang Liu (刘芳) is a research assistant in our lab. She is also a lecturer at the Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Guanghan, China.
📧 fangliu.uestc at
Current Students
Abdisalam Mahamed Badel
Abdisalam Badel is a PhD student in the Department of Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
He joined UESTC in 2022. His current research areas include Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection, Opinion Mining/Sentiment Analysis, Information Retrieval, and Text Mining.
📧 fiicane121 at
Jiati Cai
Jiati Cai (蔡佳倜) is a doctoral student in software engineering at UESTC in 2024.
📧 caijiati_cjt at
Bin Chen
Bin Chen (陈斌) currently is a 3rd year master student in software engineering at UESTC, where he obtained his BS degree in 2022.
His research focuses on graph neural networks, temporal knowledge graph reasoning, IP geolocation.
📧 binchen4110 at
Gege Chen
Gege Chen (陈格格) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2023. Her research interest focuses on fairness.
📧 ggchen1111 at
Shunli Chen
Shunli Chen (陈顺利) is an academic master student in software engineering at UESTC in 2024.
His research interests focus on multimodal large models, image processing, and graph neural networks.
📧 weierdong520 at
Zhangtao Cheng
Zhengtao Chreng (程章桃) is a doctoral student in electronic information at UESTC in 2023. He obtained MS degree in software engineering at UESTC in 2023.
His research focuses on multi-modal social media learning, event knowledge graph mining.
📧 zhangtao.cheng at
Hongzhu Fu
Hongzhu Fu (伏虹竹) is a 2nd year master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
His research focuses on human trajectory.
Yi He
Yi He (贺艺) currently is a 3rd year master student in software engineering at UESTC.
Jinyu Hong
Jinyu Hong (洪锦榆) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2022. Her research interest focuses on spatio-temporal data mining.
📧 jinyuhong at
Rongpei Hong
Rongpei Hong (洪荣沛) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, where he obtained his BS degree in 2023.
His research interest focuses on graph neural network and evaluating LLMs.
📧 rongpei.hong at
Haoran Huang
Huang Haoran (黄浩燃) is a new graduate student at the School of Software Engineering, UESTC, in 2023. He has bachelor's degree from Sichuan University.
📧 exia1999 at
Yanlong Huang
Yanlong Huang (黄彦龙) is a 3rd year master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
His research focuses on human trajectory.
📧 hyloong77 at
Yixuan Jin
Yixuan Jin (金怡萱) is a 2nd year master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
Her research interest focuses on anomaly detection.
📧 jyx0220 at
Md Sabuj Khan
Md Sabuj Khan is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).
His research interests encompass biometric privacy protection, image processing, and deep learning.
📧 khanmdsabuj525 at
Jian Lang
Jian Lang (郎健) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
📧 jian_lang at
Yue Lei
Yue Lei (雷玥) currently is a 2nd year master student in software engineering at UESTC.
His research interest focuses on deep generative models, diffusion models and speech signal processing.
📧 leiyue828 at
Jiayang Li
Jiayang Li (李嘉扬) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, where he obtained his BS degree in 2022.
His research interest focuses on data mining and temporal data understanding.
📧 jiayang-li at
Jiao Li
Jiao Li (李焦) is a Master's student in Software Engineering at the UESTC starting from 2024.
Her research interest focusses on multi-modal and so on.
📧 jiaoli.research at
Shuojun Lin
Shuojun Lin (林铄峻) will be a master student in Software Engineering at the UESTC starting from 2025.
📧 locklin0223 at
Jie Liu
Jie Liu (刘杰) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2022.
His research interest focuses on event chain mining.
Xueting Liu
Xueting Liu (刘学婷) is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
Her primary research interests include IP geolocation and person re-identification.
📧 xt.liu at
Mingyang Liu
Mingyang Liu (刘珉洋) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2022.
📧 1255126717 at
Yang Liu
Yang Liu (刘洋) is currently a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
📧 18349101367 at
Yunshan Long
Yunshan Long(龙运山)is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2024.
Yuhao Ma
Yuhao Ma (马彧豪) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2024.
📧 yuhaom0819 at
Hanting Shen
I'm Hanting Shen (申汉廷), a freshman at ICDM Laboratory.
📧 1940045022 at
Wenzheng Shu
Wenzheng Shu (舒文正) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC in 2022. His research interest focuses on trip recommendation, spatial and temporal data mining.
📧 shuwenzheng926 at
Wenxin Tai
Wenxin Tai (台文鑫) is currently a 3rd year Ph.D. student (starting from 2022) in Software Engineering, UESTC. He obtained his BS degree in Communication Engineering and MS degree in Software Engineering at UESTC in 2019 and 2022, respectively.
His research focuses on trustworthy artificial intelligence, uncertainty learning, and deep generative models.
📧 wxtai at
Kun Wang
Kun Wang (王坤), a female engineer with a passion for literature and psychology.
📧 wkahuhuhu at
Xiaohan Wang
Xiaohan Wang (王枭涵) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, enrolled in 2023.
Her research interest focuses on data mining.
📧 xiaohanwang at
Yutao Wei
Yutao Wei (魏于淘) is a 2nd year student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
His research interest focuses on graph neural network, urban computing, incremental learning.
📧 y.t.wei at
Kangqi Xu
Kangqi Xu (徐康祺) is a 2nd year master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
His research interest focuses on intelligent computing, graph neural network.
📧 supanity at
Xovee Xu
Xovee (徐增) is a doctoral student in computer science at UESTC in 2021. He obtained his BS and MS degrees in software engineering at UESTC in 2018 and 2021, respectively.
His research focuses on understanding information diffusion, user-generated content, multimodal learning, and human behaviors in social network. His work has been presented at top-tier conferences and journals such as IEEE TKDE, INFOCOM, AAAI, SIGIR, CIKM, NeurIPS, and ACM CSUR. He has served as a program committee member for ACM KDD, CIKM, ICASSP, and ICME.
📧 xovee.xu at
Gang Yang
Gang Yang (杨刚) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2024.
📧 ygang2024 at
Haoyu Yang
Haoyu Yang (杨皓宇) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2024.
📧 1776290711 at
Kai Yang
Kai Yang (杨凯) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2022. His research focuses on ddpm, spatial-temporal data mining.
📧 kaiyang.cs at
Pengfei Yang
Pengfei Yang (阳鹏飞) received the B.S. degree in communication engineering from the Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, China, in 2021, and the M.S. degree in electronic information with the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, Sichuan, China. He is currently persuing the Ph.D. degree in software engineering with the School of Information and Software Engineering, UESTC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
His current research interests include signal classification, communication signal processing, machine learning and intelligent anti-interference avoidance.
📧 yangpengfei at
Siqi Yang
Siqi Yang (杨思齐) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC.
📧 siqiyang11 at
Tingting Yang
Tingting Yang (杨婷婷) will be a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2025.
📧 vickyfawn458 at
Yi Yang
Yi Yang (杨易) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2024.
📧 yiyang.cs at
Wenxue Ye
Wenxue Ye (叶文学) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC starting from 2022.
📧 ywx2307930305 at
Chenyang Yin
Chenyang Yin (尹晨阳) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2024.
📧 yyycy0418 at
Jienan Zhang
Jienan Zhang (张杰男) is currently a master student in software engineering at UESTC in 2022.
📧 eroicazjn at
Yifan Zhang
Yifan Zhang (张一凡) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC, in 2023.
Yuxun Zhao
Yuxun Zhao (赵昱勋) is a master student in software engineering at UESTC.
📧 731058613 at
Meihui Zhong
Meihui Zhong (钟美荟) is a doctoral student in software engineering at UESTC in 2024. She obtained her BS degree in management at Jiangxi Normal University in 2021 and MS degree in computer science and technology at Fujian Normal University in 2024.
Her research focuses on traffic analysis and intrusion detection.
📧 o2cator at